Big Brother Brazil housemate Daniel Echaniz, a 31-year-old professional model, has been accused of raping fellow housemate Monique Amin, a 23-year-old student.

A housemate on Big Brother Brazil has been raped live on TV, it has been alleged.
The Police confirmed that they had begun an investigation and carried out a search of the studios in Rio de Janeiro, where the popular reality show is being filmed.
Million's of viewers were shocked in the early hours of Sunday to watch contestant Daniel Echaniz, apparently force himself on Monique Amin, who had passed out drunk after a party.
The intimate moment between Daniel Echaniz and Monique Amin while under the blanket was watched live by millions of Brazilian viewers, video of which has already been uploaded on Youtube. It happened early morning on Sunday, January 15, 2012, after the housemates had a drinking party.
Big Brother Brazil allegedly was given an option by the police, either to remove Daniel Echaniz or cancel the show, as investigation continues for the alleged rape incident. Housemate Echaniz left the Big Brother Brazil on Monday, January 16.